The Sci-Files – 03/13/2022 – Brooke Devries – Don’t Lighten Up – Health Effects of Light at Night
March 14, 2022
On this week’s SciFiles, your hosts Chelsie and Daniel interview Brooke Devries. Brooke is a second-year Ph.D. student working with Dr. Hanne Hoffmann. Her research focuses on daily rhythms in the body called circadian rhythms. You’d be surprised at how many things, from sleep to metabolism, to mood and energy, have predictable rhythms throughout the day! These rhythms are all coordinated by a tiny area in the brain referred to as the SCN. The SCN gets light input from the eyes, coordinating these rhythms to the time of day. So what happens when light input is altered?
Brooke’s research focuses on how the changes in the SCN changes normal hormone levels and mood when light exposure is changed.
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