Call Her Kitana ‘Cause This Song is Fatal | “I GOT IT” by DEBBY FRIDAY feat. Uñas

Call Her Kitana ‘Cause This Song is Fatal | “I GOT IT” by DEBBY FRIDAY feat. Uñas

Ashe Burr, Writer/Volunteer

There’s something in the water with artists who are associated with Friday as of late. First we got Rebecca Black’s debut album Let Her Burn, and now we have a new track from Miss FRIDAY herself. 

DEBBY FRIDAY is a Nigerian-born Canadian rapper who throws all of the musical conventionality from the cultural canon of rap out the window. Her flow is aggressive, her beats are brash and in your face, and her lyrics tell her stories as a self-described “angry queer black woman.” She began her dive into the music scene as a DJ at parties in Canada, but after less than a year, she stopped and began working on making music on her own. Her first releases embodied those emotions of frustration, especially the track that led me to finding out about FRIDAY, “FATAL.” Her feature on clipping.’s track “Back Up 2021” helped to expose her to a wider audience. Conveniently enough, FRIDAY ended up signing to Sup Pop, the same label clipping. is under, to release her debut album, GOOD LUCK

The first single off of GOOD LUCK, “SO HARD TO TELL,” was her first attempt at a subdued sound. “I GOT IT” threw that sound from “SO HARD TO TELL” out of the window, and went back to her earlier sounds. The brash instrumentation with her firebranded flow called back to tracks like “FATAL,” but unlike the bulk of her catalog, she is accompanied by an additional performer in Chris Vargas of Pelada under the stage name of Uñas. Uñas’ verse is entirely in Spanish, which is a somewhat unique element from an artist from Montreal. The pair combine to create quite a unique experience. 

Down on your knees, do you believe? /

Freaky Friday, Debby Tuesday, Debby heat /

You know where I stay /

Let mama give you what you need.” 

Within the world of alternative music, many Black artists are rising to the top of their scenes. DEBBY FRIDAY absolutely has what it takes to rise to the top of the experimental scene. Her album is slated to release on March 24, and if the rest of the album is anything like the singles, GOOD LUCK will become a staple of experimental, boundary-pushing hip-hop-tinted music.