The Sci-Files – 04/17/2022 – June Oh – Learning “Cultures” in Science Through Writing
April 18, 2022

On this week’s SciFiles, your hosts Chelsie and Daniel interview June Oh. How can an English major help promote critical science literacy for STEM undergraduate students? As a humanities scholar, June has been a part of an IRB-approved interdisciplinary pedagogy project that develops a first-year writing course for STEM undergraduate students. With a team of collaborators in the College of History, Philosophy, and Science, Education, and English, this project leads an effort in designing a college-wide first-year writing course that seeks to foster culturally responsible student (science) identity and critical literacy through five inquiry-based writing projects. This project has been funded by SUTL (Scholarship of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning) at MSU since 2019. With another year of support from MSU, the team is now applying the pilot writing program to fourteen different sections with ~230 students in total. Bringing her expertise in developing student writing and inclusive pedagogy in English classrooms, June is currently coding student writing and further analyzing promising early results on responsible identity formation data.
If you’re interested in talking about your MSU research on the radio or nominating a student, please email Chelsie and Danny at [email protected]. Check The Sci-Files out on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube!