Lidstrom and Hanson Inducted into Michigan Athletics Hall of Fame
November 28, 2013
Eight new members were inducted into the Michigan Sports Hall of Fame this week. Jason Hanson, former kicker for the Detroit Lions, and former Captain of the Detroit Red Wings, Nicklas Lidstrom, were in the 58th class roster.Jason Hanson played 21 years with the Detroit Lions as the team’s kicker. Although he does not have a championship ring, Hanson holds many NFL kicking records. These NFL records entail the most field goals of 40-plus yards (189), most field goals of 50-plus yards (51), among others.
As for Nicklas Lidstrom, the story is a bit different. Throughout his 20-year career playing in the NHL, Lidstrom, who is now 43 years old, has never missed the playoffs. Lidstrom led the Wings to four Stanley Cups in his time with the team, serving as the Captain for one of those championships. While he had success with his team the Red Wings, he also had more personal successes than any other recent Red Wings player. Lidstrom has received seven Norris Trophy Awards, the award for the best NHL defensemen. He also had 1,142 points in 1,564 career games, which is sixth best all time for the Red Wings.
John Smoltz, Alexi Lalas, Percy Snow, Dorne Dibble, Tom Mach and Jim Brandstatter are the other names that are included with Lidstrom and Hanson in the 2013 58th class. The new members will be formally inducted in February of 2014.
Austin Goodman is the host of Octopi Hockeytown for Impact Sports.