Dreamy Wanderings | “Hi.” by Lauren Sanderson

Noah Bosch, Writer/Volunteer

Lesbian pop artist and self-proclaimed delinquent Lauren Sanderson is no stranger to pushing the boundaries of the genre towards new and exciting avenues. Having listed artists such as Mac Miller, Tyler the Creator and Logic as major sources of inspiration for her, it’s easy to see the immense influence that hip hop has had on Lauren’s overall pop style. Boasting a biting voice and mischievous confidence, Sanderson is often a hard act to mimic or define, and that’s exactly how she wants it to be. Switching between aggressive anthems such as “Shut Em Up” and earnest ballads like “To the People I Hurt,” Sanderson’s next move is hard to predict and often harder to emotionally prepare for. 

“Hi.” Dropped March 16th as the first of many songs to come with Sanderson’s “new era” for her sound. Boomeranging synths dance in tandem with light 808 taps, as she welcomes us with a calming yet alluring:



6am sunlight/

Talkin bout our cell phones/

The government is lying/

About way more than we know”


Putting her delinquent title to the test, Sanderson proclaims her words of wisdom regarding our shadowy governing body. A metronome-style high hat keeps her on pace as the deep synth bass hits give the song sonic depth. Her tone takes a turn for the melancholy as she laments on feelings of love lost to self and circumstance:


“I remember when I saw ya/

Cryin’ on the front step/

I thought maybe I could save ya/

But I still haven’t saved myself yet/

I know you saw my text/

Read it at 5am/

You haven’t replied yet/

So I keep waiting”


Sanderson’s longing suffrage is beautifully displayed through her laid back but purposeful delivery. Refusing to give into the defeated ideology of many who have been hurt in this cruel world. As a peppy guitar slowly begins to enter the mix, she holds onto what she can—her optimism.


“You think/

Everything means nothing then we die/

I never wanna know what that’s like/

Cause everything means everything to me/

But you don’t feel a thing/

How could that be?”


Muted vocals echo behind Sanderson, following her lead as she continues her disappointed but loving rant to the unknown heartthrob. The once hushed guitar slowly gains bravado as the drums fade and Lauren’s voice slowly dissipates into reverberating ghostly whispers. Lauren revisits her opening bar like a widower at a grave, with her final fleeting gasps, she sings: 


“I remember when I saw ya/

Cryin’ on the front step/

I thought maybe I could save ya/



“Hi.” presents Lauren Sanderson in one of her many elements. Her prowess in displaying true emotion through every bar is a weapon slowly being unleashed within the pop world. Sanderson’s climb to fame is one of steady determination and admirable consistency. Few artists hold their fans, music and pain so proudly on their sleeve, which takes a certain kind of bravery that’s hard to come by in this age of idols, stars and all those larger than life. If “Hi.” is truly meant to be the beginning of an era, the pop scene will need to prepare for a shift of seismic proportions.