DJ Spotlight of the Week – Amanda

Camille Rogers, Training Director

Our latest DJ Spotlight is Amanda! Amanda is a Live DJ and DJ Coach. She’s a senior studying Computer Science.

What’s your role at The IMPACT?
Live DJ and DJ Coach

What made you decide to join The IMPACT and become a DJ?
I’ve always been interested in Radio and when I got to MSU the people at Impact all seemed so chill and welcoming that I immediately wanted to be involved in that atmosphere.

What has been your best on-air experience?
One time a woman called the radio station in tears, apparently she was having a very rough week and was bedridden but the radio gave her some sense of human bonding. I got to talk to her for a while about how she was doing and she told me a bit about her life and her experience with music, it was really touching to see how radio helped turn her life around from a dark time as by the end she was happy and wishing me a blessed day.

What is the best concert experience you have had? Why?
I’m sort of a fake Impact-er because I haven’t been to many concerts. The most notable experience would be when I went to see Fall Out Boy with my sister, it was a nice bonding experience between us.

What’s your zodiac sign?

How do you think working in radio will affect your future career and life?
It’s definitely made me better at improvisation and chilling out, that sort of realization that sometimes a drop is just gonna happen and letting it be natural. I think that sense of calm in what could be a storm is very important. Also on the technical side, it’s been great learning about different systems and problem solving when necessary.

What is your favorite album of 2019 so far?
Hmm, not sure. First thing coming to mind is “Thank U, Next” by Arianna Grande.

If you were on a deserted island, who would you bring with you, and why?
Dwayne the Rock Johnson, because I believe in his ability to keep us both alive.

What’s a time you laughed so hard you cried?
My sister was just acting ridiculous and kept telling me that drinking water was illegal, smacking glasses out of my hand. Finally, my mother told her to knock it off but the faces of fake judgment she kept giving me made me laugh so hard I couldn’t drink the water anyway.

What’s your favorite dining hall?
Case, because I’ve always lived in South and they usually have the best food in South.

If you could have dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would you pick?
My dad

What’s your favorite meme?
The dog in the house on fire “This is fine”