On this episode of The Sci-Files, Mari Dowling and Dimitri Joseph interviewed Chelsie Boodoo and Daniel Puentes about their research. Daniel Puentes graduated from Michigan State University with a Ph.D. in Physics. His work focused on using experimental information to inform nuclear astrophysical simulations describing the creation of elements in space. Daniel also developed a first-generation beam stopper dedicated to dissociating molecules to improve low-energy rare isotope measurements. Daniel co-founded and co-hosted The Sci-Files with Chelsie Boodoo in 2019. Chelsie Boodoo is a Ph.D. Candidate in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering. She creates biosensors using gold and magnetic nanoparticles to detect African Swine Fever Virus. She also uses this technology to detect foodborne pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus.
If you want to discuss your MSU research on the radio or nominate a student, please email scifiles@impact89fm.org. You can ask questions about future episodes here. Check The Sci-Files out on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube!
The Sci-Files – 09/17/2023 – Goodbye to Chelsie and Daniel
September 17, 2023
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About the Contributors

Chelsie Boodoo, The Sci-Files Host
Chelsie is a Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. student at Michigan State University. She studies what happens to the extracellular matrix of cells after they have been stressed. She co-hosts “The Sci-Files” with Daniel Puentes. Together they explore the different topics that MSU students research on “The Sci-Files” at WDBM.

Daniel Puentes, The Sci-Files Host
Daniel is a graduate student in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, where he does research at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory. His research involves measuring the mass of radioactive nuclei, and how it can tell us how protons and neutrons are arranged inside of a nucleus. This research also helps scientists understand how the elements were created in different stellar environments! At WDBM, he and Chelsie Boodoo co-host The Sci-Files.