DJ Spotlight of the Week: Laila Paskel

Paige Drob, Training Director

This week we are putting the spotlight on volunteer DJ Laila Paskel. You can hear her live on Monday from 6pm to 8pm as DJ Laila Dream!


Where are you from?

Los Angeles, CA


Favorite song/album of 2022/2023 

The Boy Who Flew To The Moon (Vol. 1) by Kid Cudi


What made you decide to join The IMPACT and become a DJ?

When I was younger I did voice overs and always had a dream to be on the radio. I joined impact as a volunteer for music review, graphics, and air staff. Finally I did my DJ training and made my dream a reality. 


What has been your best on-air experience?

During one of my shifts I got a message through our request line that someone loves my music taste.


What is the best concert experience you have had? Why? 

I saw U2 in 2016, the energy of the crowd was the most powerful feeling I had ever experienced. Every song made my body shake, the set design was insane, and the tour was Joshua Tree. 


How do you think working in radio will affect your future career and life?

Working in radio will give me the capability to make connections in photography, videography, communication skills,  and working in the music industry itself. 

Favorite Dining Hall? 



Campus Squirrels or Campus Ducks?



Plan a dinner in East Lansing with any person dead or alive. Who would it be? Where would you go?

Gustav Åhr, I’d take him to Charlie Kangs.


What is your comfort TV show?

Sons of Anarchy and That 70s Show


Favorite College Memory?

Climbing up railroad light post at night.