Michigan Week: Changing Sides
March 11, 2015
Some people call it “Hate Week”. Some just call it rivalry week.
But to all Michigan State football fans, this week is known as “Michigan Week”.
It’s the time when MSU students and fans guard the Spartan statue with pride, lest any Wolverine fans brand the historic symbol with a maize and blue block M.
On Saturday, October 17, 2015, bragging rights for the entire year are on the line. The days leading up to the game are when the real serious trash talking begins.
“Michigan!” *thumbs down* “State!” *thumbs up*
Yes, the Michigan faithful would have their thumbs reversed, but you get the idea. There’s nothing quite as black-and-white as “Go Green!” and “Go Blue”. October 17 will be the time when the entire state is divided into two sides.
But what about the fans who have changed sides? On this very special “Michigan Week” episode of The Pact, we hear the experiences of two individuals who love the Spartans, but once identified as Wolverines.