On Sept. 24, 1991, Nirvana released their second album, Nevermind, changing the course of music history. Although Nirvana had already been in the music scene for years, they were still relatively unknown....
You either know or you don't --- CATA bus mosh-pits are only for some of the hardest ravers and ragers. Usually kicking off at the prime time of 8:30 a.m., these thrilling adventures are the only way to...
Whether you’re getting ready for a fun night out with friends, needing a little pick-me-up, dancing in your room way too late at night, or just want to feel like a “girly girl,” I’ve got the perfect...
Sky Curtright, Writer/Vonunteer
• September 21, 2024
In a time when the lines between different genres are blurrier than ever, perhaps no one has shown the creative potential of these new frontiers than Jane Remover. First gaining prominence in the early...
Ryan Wilbert, Writer/Volunteer
• September 20, 2024
It’s often not like the movies. No big firework show. No declaration of inner turmoil. No late night riverwalk with the full moon above that changes your (or their) mind. Heartbreak is quiet and mellow...
TJ Peterson, Writer/Volunteer
• September 18, 2024
I tend to argue an artist is only as good at their production. What is a song without production? A poem? Quality production doesn't mean constant layering and throwing every subtle sound bite that comes...
The Concrete Boys' breakup will forever stand as one of our generation's biggest "what ifs." Head member Lil Yatchy assembled the group sometime in late 2021, including artists Camo!, KARRAHBOO, Dc2trill,...
Ashe Burr, Entertainment Editorial Assistant
• August 30, 2024
Hold on for dear life, because the shé is coming to play. The Kenyan multi-instrumentalist KABEAUSHÉ is many things, but they are a live performer at heart. Pulsating beats and enthralling visuals...
Ashe Burr, Entertainment Editorial Assistant
• August 28, 2024
You never really know what you have until you don’t have it anymore. This feeling is something that has always lingered in the back of my mind but never came up until I was riding in a subway car heading...
EAST LANSING- The cristal baschet is a strange instrument, and a strange choice for one’s specialty. Maybe after being surrounded by drummers, violinists, and guitarists your whole life, the...
EAST LANSING- Hailing from DC, Origami Angel has been a big name for emo fans ever since their breakout album Somewhere City in 2019. The peppy sound and mood they exude on their breakout LP...
You’re tired of hearing the same five songs that became popular on TikTok. The people you graduated from high school with give subpar song recommendations on their Instagram stories. Streaming algorithms...