DJ Spotlight of the Week – Mark

Camille Rogers, Training Director

This week’s DJ Spotlight goes out to Mark DeMartini! Mark is a junior studying Kinesiology, John Mulaney fan, Live DJ, and Airstaff Coach.

What’s your role at The IMPACT?
Airstaff Coach

What made you decide to join The IMPACT and become a DJ?
The Atmosphere and the people!

What’s your zodiac sign?

How do you think working in radio will affect your future career and life?
I definitely want to have a sports podcast at some point.

What is your favorite album of 2019 so far?
Doom Days by Bastille

If you were on a deserted island, who would you bring with you, and why?
Ron Swanson. He would make me laugh, but also he would be extremely useful at making things.

If you could have dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would you pick?
John Mulaney

What’s your favorite meme?
Baby Yoda