The Sci-Files – 07/07/2019 – Ben Hall – Quantum Computing
July 9, 2019
This week on The Sci-Files, your hosts Chelsie and Danny interview Benjamin Hall.
Ben is a 3rd year Ph.D. student at MSU in Physics and CMSE (Computational Math, Science, and Engineering). Ben works on applying quantum computers to solve many-body problems. Quantum computers are a newly developed type of computer are much faster than regular computers at certain tasks. He is working on figuring out how to program these computers to solve problems that classical computers can’t, specifically, simulating quantum systems. This could potentially lead to new insights into chemistry, drugs, medicine and materials. Ben is also the director of the MSU Physics Acapella Choir. Stay tuned to hear a song by Ben and the MSU Physics Acapella Choir!
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