Tiger Talk – #7 – 6/16/14

A hour of Tiger Talk? Pinch me, I must be dreaming.

The Tiger faithful are back to continue the conversation about the pesky AL Central. Hosts Tony Garcia and Richie Cozzolino congregate to discuss the White Sox-Tigers series. Returning to the podcast is Warning Track host and Michigan State baseball reporter Zac Swierad.

The three recap the series between the Windy City foes and start with a dramatic realization of how close the division has become in June. Detroit ends the series, nearly being swept, with only a 1.5 game lead over second place Kansas City, while a vexed Verlander continues his average year. Should Tigers fans begin to fret over shaky starting pitching? If the regular season ended today, where would you start Justin Verlander in the playoff rotation?

The boys then continue with a grab bag of topics surrounding the AL Central, highlighted by some surprising statistics during a live trivia segment. Richie and Zac attempt to answer some question about the bats and the bullpen of the Tigers. Can you get all the questions correct?

All this and much more, this week on Tiger Talk.

Tony Garcia is host of Tiger Talk for Impact Sports.

Richie Cozzolino is co-host of Tiger Talk for Impact Sports.

Zac Swierad is host of Warning Track for Impact Sports.