Today, we interviewed Andy Campbell, a Social Science Education major who is a DJ & the Promotions Director for Impact 89FM. One first impression of Andy is his musical inclination – some of his favorite artists include classics like Sonic Youth and contemporaries like Snail Mail. You hear these strong indie rock roots embedded in his work for the band “Dirtstache” – a loosely organized group of close friends within the Impact team (and they all have impressive dirt-staches, too, admittedly). Aside from music, Andy’s also known for his unique sense of fashion. Conor Lynch, fellow member of Dirtstache, told me, “He wears overalls a lot and sometimes a janitor’s suit… it’s definitely part of his personality.” When he’s not creating or listening to music, you can expect Andy to be watching some WWE. Catch him on 88.9 on the air 2-4pm on Tuesdays.
1. What made you decide to join Impact as a DJ?
“When I was a kid, I was really into punk rock and skateboarding, and so all of these skateboarding magazines used to talk about college radio and all these LA-based college radio stations, and I thought, wow I wish that still existed.’ And then I came to MSU and realized there’s actually a radio station. So I got involved with the Street Team, and then I just kind of got involved in DJ-ing.”
2. How do you think Impact will affect your future career and life?
“Well it’s definitely made me rethink what I’m going into. I like education a lot, and it’s something I really care about, but I’ve gotten a lot of really cool opportunities from being at the Impact. I think that just being involved in the music community in the Lansing area… I could see myself getting involved in promotion. So who knows.”
3. What has been your best DJ-ing experience?
“I’ve learned a lot of new music and it’s interesting to get to know the Impact sound, which is tacky. Broadening my musical horizons is a cool experience.”
4. Who’s your favorite artist and why?
“It’s hard to say. My favorite of all time is probably Sonic Youth. They’re just a good rock & roll group. They’re noisy and loud. I don’t really know what’s good about them, I just like them a lot. My most played artist of the last year is Snail Mail. They’re super killer. They have this new album, it’s very good. They’re just very sad. Very good guitar, very good lyrics.”
5. Your personal favorite album of 2018 so far, besides Snail Mail?
“Lush is definitely my favorite. But number two, I would have to say, is Camp Copes’ How to Socialise & Make Friends. They’re just very talented instrumentalists and very good lyricists. I saw them at a festival in Lansing, and some guy hollered at her on stage, and she just went back at him and was like, “I don’t wanna hear your opinion!” So their music is a lot of that energy. It’s very good.”
6. If you could go to any concert at any time in history, what would it be?
“Oh… Ok, I feel like I should say Woodstock, but in reality, Nirvana 1991 at the Paramount Theatre. That was at the height of them being the biggest rock band on the planet, and it was on Halloween night, and it was absolute mayhem, and it was good.”
7. Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses, or 1 horse-sized duck?
Andy: “Horse-sized duck is easy to immobilize. Because you just kick it in the legs. Or you step on its little feet.”
Josiah: “But think about how dangerous the beak of a horse-sized duck would be if it gets ahold of you.”
Andy: “Oh wait, and it could fly. Can it fly?”
Anna (friend/volunteer): “Depends on the duck.”
Andy: “Do all ducks–”
Anna: “Mallard ducks, or a baby duck…”
Andy: “Even if it’s a baby duck, it’s still the size of a horse!”
In comparison, President Obama had a different response.