EAST LANSING- Coming off some great performances last week, the Michigan State track and field team will be sending their sprinters and throwers to compete at the Michigan Invitational in Ann Arbor, Michigan, tomorrow.
The meet will open with the 60-meter hurdles. Senior Logan Allen will be representing the men’s side, and graduate student Kaia Scheffler will represent the women’s side. Scheffler will also be competing in the 60-meter dash alongside graduate student Amani Nuels.
Nuels will also race in the 200-meter dash, alongside sophomores Alexys Wilson and Gabriella Jeffries and junior Anyssa Hall.
Spartans will also compete in the 400-meter dash and the 600-meter dash.
The throwers will also be showing out in Ann Arbor, with 14 different athletes competing.
Sophomore Dalton DeBeau will compete in both the shot put and weight throw events alongside his teammate, junior Brendan Vander Meer. Sophomore Jessica Stieb will also compete in both the shot put and weight throw events for the women.
The only in-conference team the Spartans will face is their in-state rival, the Michigan Wolverines. You can follow the action on Athletic.net
Next weekend the Spartans will be split between two meets. The Windy City Invitational in Chicago, IL, and the David Hemery Valentine Invitational in Boston, MA.