The melancholy, bittersweet and fleeting feeling of reflecting on the soundtrack of my time at Michigan State overwhelms me in the best way possible. As much as I am sad to move on and leave the Impact, the sadness I feel when reflecting on my time and knowing it is almost time to go nearly makes me joyful, knowing that memories I have created at MSU leave me feeling the overwhelming emotions that only follow when something really penetrates your soul.
The greatest gift in life to me is music. The greatest gift that can never be taken away is one that will travel with me all the years to come. Down the road, when my red hair turns gray, I will hear one of these songs and reminisce about all the beautiful memories and beautiful people I have crossed along the way on this long, strange trip of life.
Thank you to all who have been with me, growing with me and teaching me the beauty of life in college. Most importantly, thank you, Impact, for giving me a home and for showing me that college is much more than chemistry and biology.