Paige Topping is one of our Top 5 at 5 hosts!! She event DJs on the side as a volunteer for Street Team. You can hear her as DJ “PMeisterP” Fridays from 4-6p.m. on 88.9fm!
Where are you from?
Ypsilanti, Michigan
What made you decide to join the IMPACT and become a DJ?
I adore radio and wanted to have an impact (pun very much intended) during my time at MSU!
What was your favorite on-air experience?
I got a call from a local band saying thank you to the impact for supporting them!! It made me so happy. I also have gotten a lot of requests that have very kind notes attached to them and it really makes me want to work harder and give the best radio listening experience!
Favorite song/album of 2023?
Album: Rise & Fall of a Midwest Princess by Chappell Roan and Song: Slow Burn by Infinity Song !
What is the best concert experience you’ve had?
I had a great time at Peach Pit’s concert back in 2022. I went for my birthday and the energy was so good and everyone was so kind!! I even got to give to the bassist on stage and he reciprocated :”) !!
Are you more of a scooter in the river or a stolen bike?
Stolen bike but only stealing the parts (like one pedal or the seat) not the whole bike.
Favorite Dining Hall?
Omg… probably for the view, Shaw but for the food SnyPhi
Are you more of a scooter in the river or stolen bike?
Honestly I am a scooter in the river for real. I watched a guy magnet pull them out and … yeah that’s me.
Plan a dinner in East Lansing with any person dead or alive. Who would it be? Where would you go?
I would love to have a dinner with Amelia from chicken shop date because I know how utterly painful and funny it would be. For location probably the poke bowl place only because I’ve been craving it recently
What is your comfort show?
What we do in the shadows !!!
Favorite College Memory?
Broomball was super fun! Shoutout impact. But star gazing with two of my lovely friends I met last semester was also a highlight!!
If you were on a deserted island, what 3 albums would you bring?
1.) Audiotree Peach Pit recording 2.) The Blue Album by the Beatles 3.) Still Life by Haruka Nakamura
What’s your go-to karaoke song?
Our last summer- ABBA
What’s your favorite article of clothing you own?
I have this one sweater from old navy that I love. It’s cream and knitted and is so cozy and I’ve had great memories in it.
What’s your zodiac sign?
Aires >:)
You have one year to live: how do you spend it?
Honestly I’d like to say traveling and such but knowing me I’d likely suck at planning that so just making the most out of what I have! And being a good friend ofc
Some historical figures have epithets attached to their names, like The Mad or The Wise. What would you like yours to be?
The Dramatic xx
Who would be your dream co-host?
Hmm Jeff Goldblum because I know he’d be so confused like 90% of the time but then say the most profound thing, then go back to being utterly confused by the music we play.
If you could play an artist non-stop on the air, which would it be?
Probably the Beatles because there’s a lot of lore around them but to be insane I’d do Lady Gaga.