The Sci-Files – 05/22/2022 – Maddy Eischer – Sewing & Suturing – Closing the Gap between Fashion & Medicine

Maddy Eischer in lab holding a beaker that has purple liquidOn this week’s SciFiles, your hosts Chelsie and Daniel interview Maddy Eischer.
As a student pursuing a dual degree in Apparel & Textile Design and Genomics & Molecular Genetics, Maddy has long felt the societal pressure to pick one of her passions in school and in a future career. Instead of choosing between these two dichotomous interests, Maddy has managed to use her research to highlight the interconnection between the arts and the sciences by investigating scientific advancements in textiles as well as by designing and creating a collection of five unconventional and fashionable lab coats. This research explores the struggle to pick a career path, the importance of fashion and textiles in all facets of life, and the concept of professionalism and individuality within medical and scientific spaces.
If you’re interested in talking about your MSU research on the radio or nominating a student, please email Chelsie and Danny at Check The Sci-Files out on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube!