The Sci-Files – 10/17/2021 – Nathan Kauffman – How to Use the Immune System to Fight Cancer

Chelsie Boodoo and Daniel Puentes

Nathan Kauffman
Nathan Kauffman

On this week’s SciFiles, your hosts Chelsie and Daniel interview Nathan Kauffman. Nate’s research revolves around developing novel radiopharmaceuticals and delivery strategies to combat solid cancers. His thesis focuses on using locally delivered internal radiation therapy to induce a systemic immune response against cancer. One of the hallmarks of cancer is the ability to escape recognition by the host immune system. By using radiation, it is possible to trick cancer into exposing itself to the immune system and lead to its own destruction. Discovering safe, effective, and broad ways to accomplish this immunological phenomenon will lead to improved outcomes in patients with a variety of cancer types, which is extremely valuable as no two cancers are perfectly identical.
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