The Sci-Files – 06/06/2021 – Erika Buhk – Masks Under a Microscope
June 6, 2021

On this week’s The Sci-Files, your hosts Chelsie and Danny interview Erika Buhk. Due to the current COVID-19 Pandemic, many Americans are wearing masks in public to slow the spread. Many people question whether the masks actually do anything. Erika researched how the fabric of disposable masks breaks down with use by placing them under a high-level microscope (scanning electron microscope). She used the pictures taken on the microscope and research on how face masks work to show how important it is to be taking care of masks properly in order to prevent getting, or spreading, illnesses like COVID-19. If you’re interested in talking about your MSU research on the radio or nominating a student, please email Chelsie and Danny at Check The Sci-Files out on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube!