10 PM
Total Eclipse – Crystal Sky
Emperor – Towards The Pantheon
Dark Funeral – The Eternal Eclipse
Before The Dawn – Eclipse
Anomalie – Vision I: Towards The Sun
At The Gates – Under A Serpent Sun
October Tide – Sleepless Sun
Be’lakor – By Moon And Star
Amorphis – Enchanted By The Moon
Darkthrone – Under A Funeral Moon
11 PM
The Black Dahlia Murder – Moonlight Equilibrium
Origin – The Aftermath
Rings Of Saturn – Parallel Shift
Slayer – Show No Mercy
Evil – Bashomonton
Wulfhook – Eternal
Beneath – Constellational Transformation
Impureza – Leyenda Negra
Archspire – Remote Tumour Seeker
Judas Priest – Bloodstone
Primal Fear – Delivering The Black
Marduk – Of Hells Fire
Death Yell – Soulless
12 AM
Anal Cunt – Kyle From Incantation Has A Moustache
Incantation – Muse
Incantation – Rights of The Locust
Incantation – Visceral Hexahedron
Incantation – The Horns Of Gefrin
Incantation – Incorporeal Despair
Incantation – Xipe Totec
Incantation – Lus Sepulchri
Incantation – Stormgate Convulsions from the Thunderous Shores of Infernal Realms Beyond the Grace of God
Incantation – Messiah Nostrum
Incantation – Omens To The Altar Of Onyx
Incantation – Ancients Arise
Mare Cognitum – Degeneracy Pressure
1 AM
Der Weg Einer Freiheit – Aufbruch
Frigoris – Fruhlingsnacht
Septicflesh – Enemy Of Truth
Cormorant – Preserved In Ash
Ne Obliviscaris – Intra Venus
Swallow The Sun – Under The Waves
Stone Wings – By Hell Or Highwater
Iron Maiden – Alexander The Great
Thee After Hourz O’ Power
Bacchus is back! After a few months of long nights doing math and writing formulae in Latex, he barged back in which resulted in easily our most awkward intro ever. We’ll get good at this eventually.
We used the eclipse coming up by playing some eclipse-themed metal in the first hour. A nice thing about making weekly metal playlists is that if there is a theme that we want to go with, there will always be metal of it. It’s like metal’s version of rule 34. Anyway, if you happen to catch the eclipse this Monday, we just gave you an hour’s worth of playlist recommendations.
The Summer Slaughter Tour is coming to The Majestic on 8/25. This behemoth of a lineup features bands we’ve played tons of already such as Dying Fetus, The Black Dahlia Murder, Origin, and Rings of Saturn. We still maintain our deathcore embargo at Hourz and as a result won’t play about half the bands in that lineup, but man has Rings of Saturn grown on me. ROS at least dilutes its core elements with quality tech-death riffs. If you’re one of those deathcore hating elitists like me but is willing to give it a shot, listen to their newest album. You’re all familiar with Origin’s technical wankerisms and it’s worth going just to see them play their instruments. Dying Fetus’s Wrong One To Fuck With is one of the best albums all year. Basically, although this year’s Summer Slaughter is a rollercoaster of quality, watching the best bands are well worth going through the not so best bands.
Incantation and Marduk are coming to Harpo’s on 8/26. It’ll be worth going just to see Kyle-From-Incantation Who-Has-A-Moustache’s moustache-that’s-actually-a-goatee.

Incantation’s brand of death metal is not very accessible, even relative to other death metal, but their sound is undoubtedly one of the heaviest and most crushing out of the classic death metal bands. Terrorsquid commented that at some points in Profane Nexus it almost sounded like funeral doom. It’s definitely a weird sound and it’s hard to build up a taste to it, kind of like the listening experience to Gorguts.
If weird death metal isn’t your thing, then maybe you’ll be more into Marduk. Marduk is one of those bands that have consistently released good albums and their best songs stack up favorably among the classic black metal bands. My only gripe with Marduk is that they didn’t have that one knockout album, like Mayhem’s De Mysteriis or Dissection’s Storm of the Light’s Bane. Unlike most classic black metal bands though, they’re still releasing good albums, with some of their best material (and my personal favorite by them) Frontshwein being their most recent release. Then again, this is may just be a consequence of actually getting this far as a black metal band by virtue of none of their band members killing each other.
I brought up my favorite Judas Priest album for some reason a while ago, and Terrorsquid and I went at it. With Bacchus coming back in, I extended the #top5JudasPriestalbumschallenge to them and here’s what came of it:
Screaming For Vengeance
Stained Class
Defenders of the Faith
Angel of Retribution
Stained Class
Sad Wings of Destiny
Sin After Sin
Defenders of the Faith
Sad Wings of Destiny
Defenders of the Faith
Stained Class
Screaming For Vengeance
I would totally explain my rankings but it’s too late at night for me to carefully rationally justify my opinions. I will say that Sin After Sin would jump to #3 if that excruciatingly long fadeout from Last Rose of Summer didn’t exist, #2 if Last Rose of Summer didn’t exist, and #1 if Tears and Last Rose were replaced with just average Judas Priest songs. It’s that close.
Thanks for reading my weekly ramblings. I won’t “See you next Thursday” as I’ll be out camping in the UP. Bacchus and Terrorsquid will be taking care of you next Thursday, so I’ll talk to you guys once again when the semester starts.