Ensiferum – Iron
Dio – All The Fools Sailed Away
Slayer – Raining Blood [Request]
Gateway To Hell – Clovers
Cauldron – Empress
Graveworm – Fear Of The Dark (Iron Maiden cover) [request]
Reverend Bizarre – Goddess Of Doom [request]
One Master – The Black Bat
Death – 1000 Eyes
Soul Remnants – Dissolving Into Obscurity
Entombed – Left Hand Path
Cytotoxin – Radiatus Generus
Agalloch – Falling Snow [request]
Decrepit Birth – Epigenetic Triplicity
Arsis – My Oath To Madness
Edguy – Landmarks
Turisas – Battle Metal
Amon Amarth – Fate Of Norns
Fleshgod Apocalypse – The Forsaking
Korpiklaani – Kunnia
Eluveite – Thousandfold
12 AM
Wintersun – Awaken From The Dark Slumber (Spring)
Wintersun – The Forest That Weeps (Summer)
Wintersun – Eternal Darkness (Autumn)
Wintersun – Loneliness (Winter)
1 AM
Wren – Scour The Grasslands
Dark Sanctuary – Laissez-Moi Mourir
Atlantean Kodex – A Prophet In The Forest
Dzo-Nga – A Seventh Age Of Fire
Deep Mountains – Lake Of Solace Part 2
Ellende – Wind
Overkill – Soulitude
Thee After Hourz O’ Power
Early in the show somebody requested Raining Blood and backstage we briefly talked about Kerry King and showed everyone this classic Kerry King homage. Warning: Kerry King fanboys may not appreciate it.
Speaking of requests, shoutout to the listeners who called in some of the best requests we’ve had all year. Terrorsquid claims that Falling Snow is the best request we’ve received all year but he’s just an Agalloch fanboy (not that there’s anything wrong with that). Terrorsquid has also been pushing us to play the Graveworm cover of Fear of the Dark which after listening to the first time tonight I found to be… interesting. I personally get peeved when covers get too cute and play around with the original song too much, and this cover almost did that. At least it was unique and captured some of the charm of the original song.
This show had some very symphonic and folk-y undertones, which stylistically we don’t play a lot of compared to the traditional subgenres. I’m guilty of suppressing some of it especially with our resident folk-fanboy Bacchus out of state, though in my defense I do this with basically anything I don’t listen much of. With Wintersun being our album feature, we found it fitting to unload our closet full of barely played symphonic, folk tracks tonight. There’s more where that came from, but in the meantime, don’t expect nights where we play a grand total of 10 minutes of thrash while I’m around.
One of the more interesting adds we played this week came from Cytotoxin. I couldn’t repeat what I said on our reviews spreadsheet on air, so I’ll just put my blurb on it here: “[This album] is what I imagine being on a shitload of cocaine feels like”. They remind me a lot of Origin that makes shorter songs, and our love for Origin (or just tech-death in general) is well-documented here at Hourz. Combined with the new Decrepit Birth, and Origin’s latest release, this month has been great for tech-death.
If you’re expecting a scorching hot take by an alleged-closed-minded-elitist about Wintersun’s newest album, you won’t be getting it from me. I found some merit to their music and enjoyed it some even if their genre is admittedly not my cup of tea. If you love reading metal elitists rail on Wintersun, then expect the metal-archives reviews to come flowing through in the coming weeks. Meanwhile this reddit thread is sure to amuse some. Prior to a few days ago I had never heard of Wintersun and how divisive the metal community has over them. Just read the reviews for Time I. There are some vitriolic gems the lower the rating. The one titled “No One Hates This Enough” is one of my favorite MA reviews I ever read, and I don’t even have a strong opinion on Wintersun. The bile spewing from an elitist who finds a band musically and artistically reprehensible is a sight to marvel. It may be nasty, but it’s a natural byproduct of a community of passionate people.
That’s all for now. Thanks for listening and reading, and I’ll see ya next Thursday.