Metallica – (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth
Metal Church – Battalions
Iced Earth – Great Heathen Army
Sabaton – Sparta
Voivod – Tribal Convictions
Coroner – Absorbed
The Chasm – Architects of Melancholic Apocalypse
Sadus – Certain Death
Suffocation – Your Last Breaths
Immolation – Father, You’re Not a Father
Necrophobic – Father of Creation
Bathory – Father To Son
Amon Amarth – Father Of The Wolf
Aposento – Bleeding Flesh
Exmortus – Glory on the Battlefield
Alestorm – No Grave But The Sea
3 Inches Blood – Deadly Sinners
Motorhead – Iron Fist
D.R.I. – Who Am I
Nuclear Assault – Critical Mass
Napalm Death – Pseudo Youth
Vehementer – Crush The Oathbreaker
Desaster – The Oath of An Iron Ritual
Destroyer 666 – Sons of Perdition
Vektor – Charging the Void
12 AM
Fellwarden – Guardian Unbound
Fellwarden – Sun of Ending
Fellwarden – In Death Valiant
Fellwarden – Wayfarer Eternal
Fellwarden – A Cairn – Keeper’s Request
Fellwarden – Sorrowborn
Tombs – Cold
Neurosis – A Shadow Memory
1 AM
Church of Misery – Megalomania
Black Sabbath – Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Pentagram – Burning Rays
Belphegor – Hell’s Ambassador
Behemoth – Pazuzu
Oranssi Pazuzu – Värähtelijä
Blaze of Sorrow – Andromeda
Alcest – Faiseurs De Mondes
Elder – Legend
After Hourz:
By the time you read this, I will be laying on my bed on drugs and eating ice cream recovering from surgery. As a result this show had to be prerecorded. Regardless, I hope there isn’t much drop-off between the live and pre-recorded show. Maybe this show is among the best you’ve heard in a while, mainly because this playlist was mainly sculpted by yours truly for once. That said, a genuine shoutout to Terrorsquid for being on the ball with making the playlist each week (except this one because I had to rush it to record right away) the past few months.
You can probably tell my paws are all over this playlist with the sheer amount of thrash I put in there. In fairness, some of these bands barely get played because Terrorsquid understandably isn’t as familiar with that genre as I am.
I was told that if I were to actually start liking power metal, Iced Earth would be the band that would get me started. I gave the newest album a chance and it just didn’t do much for me. There were some worthy enough songs but ultimately we decided to feature yet another atmospheric black metal band Fellwarden. Maybe I should check out Iced Earth’s older stuff instead.
Father’s Day is coming up, so do something nice for your dad. If not, listen to that Immolation song again.
Speaking of atmospheric black, if you’ve noticed a dramatic uptick of that lately, you can thank or direct your scorn at Terrorsquid. Personally I find good atmospheric to be pleasant and there’s no better genre to listen to while passively doing something else. For example, I read most of The Martian while listening Darkspace I-III and it was great. That said, having exponentially increased my intake of atmospheric black metal (ABM) in my short time here at Hourz, I think the marketplace of ABM as becoming saturated. Mediocre ABM sounds like the musical equivalent of running in place for 10 minutes. Terrorsquid casts a much wider net on this than I do, and I know some of our listeners love ABM, so we’ll continue to play it.
That’s all folks. See you next Thursday,