As alluded to on Hourz, we’re going to start following up each show with a post-show blog post. These posts will cover things we may have mentioned during the show, commentary on the playlist, or off-stage banter. Our intention is to give something for you, our listeners, something to talk about after the show. Namely, we’d like to hear things such as “Hey, you need to play more __ and less __” or “Why the heck did you play ___??” or “What Bacchus said about Raise Your Horns by Amon Amarth is totally off the mark”. Your feedback makes Hourz a better, more powerful show. We’ll keep doing this until we can’t keep up anymore or if you guys just want us to stick to playing music.
First off, here are the shows we mentioned:
5/19/17 The Dark Art Festival at The Avenue
5/20/17 Windhand and Satan’s Satyrs at The Loving Touch
5/25/17 Deicide at Harpo’s
Playlist Commentary:
The first 30 minutes of our playlist consisted of our personal favorites from bands with Dio. Bacchus and I were but naive, angsty teens when Dio passed and didn’t get the chance to truly appreciate him while he was still alive. Special shoutout to Stargazer for being such a fantastic song.
We added a ton of new music this week. Highlights were Nargaroth and The Night Flight Orchestra, which I almost didn’t add because it was barely metal.
Bacchus’ on air commentary on Raise Your Horns was about 5% of what he actually said on the car ride back home. Aside from actually listening one of their favorite bands before they become too commercialized, nothing gets a metalhead’s blood pumping more than complaining about their favorite metal bands sounding too commercialized.
The feature Highland – Loyal To The Nightsky is one of my favorites all year so far. As mentioned on the show, it starts off as fast, traditional black metal, then evolves to a more atmospheric sound in the latter half. With their facebook page at 10k likes, it’s too late to boost your black metal street cred by claiming to like Highland when they were underground (unless you did). Regardless, they’re still worth checking out if you’re a fan of Uada, Batushka, and Mgla.
That’s all this week. Stay trve and see you next Thursday,