DJ Spotlight of the Week continues with Hanna Kielar, a junior studying Professional Writing with a minor in Environmental and Sustainability Studies. Listeners can tune in every Wednesday from 6:00 – 8:00 PM to catch Hanna’s hours of DJing!
1. What made you decide to join Impact and become a DJ?
I wanted to continue DJing after getting a taste of it in high school. I started on Music Team and then realized, “Hey, these people are pretty great. I should spend more time here!”
2. What has been your best on air experience?
Getting my first request was so cool. It was nice to get that validation – someone was actually listening to me!
3. How do you think working in radio will affect your future career and life experience?
It’s a great story to tell. I probably won’t end up as a big time DJ, but I will have this range of experience that will come in handy for years to come. A lot of my degree has to do with audience analysis as a means of tailoring messages so they are most effective; having this experience on the radio serves as a great case study to add to that audience knowledge.
4. What is your favorite part of the station?
The people. Everyone is incredibly friendly and energetic. People are always popping in to say, “Hi” during my shift or hanging out around the front desk chatting and goofing off. Good vibes all around.
5. If you could play an artist non-stop on the air, which would it be?
If I was forced to listen forever, I wouldn’t be able to play the same artist non-stop. I find myself jumping between artists and styles a lot – one of my Spotify playlists could have 20 different artists. It keeps life interesting!
6. What is the best concert experience you have had? Why?
I had the chance to see a few bands last summer near my hometown. I have never danced so much in my life! New Politics played, and while I walked into the festival not knowing a whole lot of their music, I walked out wanting to rewind time to see them play again. They had so much energy, and even did a cover of Sabotage that was incredible. Best concert experience, hands-down.
Our next DJ Spotlight of the Week will be out on Monday, 9/26.