Vintage Spooky Season | “I’d Rather Be Burned As A Witch” by Eartha Kitt

Vintage Spooky Season | “I’d Rather Be Burned As A Witch” by Eartha Kitt

Madison Reinhold, Writer/Volunteer

Happy Halloween! When looking for songs for the holiday, there are never too many about witches!

The song “I’d Rather Be Burned As A Witch” was released by legendary singer and actress Eartha Kitt in 1959. In her iconic voice Kitt sings about using witchcraft to seduce men.

“I use my songs to entice you /

With curses to advise you /

And all my bag of tricks /

To choose and rise you.”

The song has all of the traditional witchy imagery, with mentions of hexes and feminine wiles to create the picture of some evil man-eating temptress who knows what she wants and who she wants. 

Historically, with the American stories of witch trials, this song isn’t wrong about the perception of women who didn’t fit the traditional view of what a woman should be. Someone who tainted the picture of a pure, submissive, powerless woman was suspicious, as explained by The Conversation. Kitt sings: 

“You want a gal who will be your pal /

Who would never look at another /

Who would be good and true /

And take care of you? /

Sorry, you want another.” 

Instead of being condemned or ashamed, this witch doesn’t care. She isn’t going to change herself or try to get people to think of her differently. 

“I’d rather be burned as a witch /

than never be burned at all.” 

If you want a vintage spooky vibe, or just love the witch aesthetic, find Eartha Kitt’s “I’d Rather Be Burned As A Witch” on your Halloween playlist.